Consider this...

The Healthy Church Podcast – Spiritual & Practical Sides of Ministry

Episode: The Spiritual and Practical Sides of Ministry (12/09/2023):

We were recently blessed, in West Virginia, by the ministry of Pastor Alan Hosch, and his wife, Rachel. He has been a senior pastor for 18 years and has served the last 14 years as senior pastor of Apostolic Gospel Church of Harris, Minnesota. The Hosch’s also have three sons and two daughters-in-law.

Alan & Rachel have a beautiful ministry of encouragement, especially for those in pastoral ministry. He is also a missionary to South Asia, a podcaster, a bi-vocational pastor and has recently written a book entitled The Healthy Church.

If you serve in any area of ministry The Healthy Church will be a blessing to you. I appreciate Pastor Hosch for having the burden and vision to write such a book because he is addressing issues that need addressed right now in the the Body of Christ.

As presbyter of section 4 in the West Virginia / Wester Maryland District of the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI), it was my honor to host our section’s annual ministers and spouses Christmas banquet. Pastor Hosch and I were reacquainted at General Conference of the UPCI and after we spoke the Holy Spirit prompted me to ask him to be our guest speaker at the event. I am so glad he was able to oblige us because what he shared with over 60 the pastors, ministers and spouses richly blessed and encouraged them as he spoke on the necessity of refusing to allow the enemy to bind them and their ministries with thoughts of inadequacy and condemnation. If you need similar encouragement, read his book!

Pastor Hosch also has a podcast entitled: The Healthy Church Podcast, which contains over 20 episodes where he has interviewed many ministers from a wide variety of ministries and experiences. If you recognize these names then you will want to give the podcast a listen: Raymond Woodward, Aaron Soto, Jerry Dean, Brian Kinsey and others.

I was pleasantly surprised and honored when Pastor Hosch asked to interview me for the episode linked at the top of this page (and below). Normally, I would not be so bold as to post a podcast I’m in and ask everyone to listen to it, but I believe that Alan Hosch has been situated at a strategic time by God to ask questions, open topics and engage in dialogue that needs to be discussed in our movement.

Some questions in the interview:

  • What is the greatest challenge to the practical side and/or administration of the local church?
  • What is the greatest challenge to the spiritual side of local church ministry?
  • How does one use the Gifts of Wisdom and Knowledge to understandthe hidden struggles in the church?

So, I hope you will give it a listen: The Spiritual and Practical Sides of Ministry.

You can also find The Healthy Church Podcast on Spotify.


Consider this...

He Took the Law In His Own Hands – Steve Richardson

I always enjoyed hearing Steve Richardson sing his own songs, and he was such a gifted songwriter, and Jeff Harpole was one of his best friends and a great singer.

In particular, I love this song…just wish my brother, Phillip Kuntzman, was with me so we could sing it together. 🙂

I know this was recorded at the UPCI General Conference, but I don’t know when it was recorded.

He Took the Law in His Own Hands

By: Steve Richardson

Verse 1:

Every time a nail was driven deeper in the wound, it signified the law was doomed.
Every time another drop of blood flowed down, it set us all on level ground.
God of Heaven had a reason that was you and I, and even in His dying He did more than die.


He took the law in His own hands.
He took the nails in His own blood and signed redemption’s plan.
And the covenant upon that tree promised grace to you and me.
I praise the Lord for Calvary where Jesus took the law in His own hands.

Verse 2:

Though they tried the innocent He offered His own life, the perfect lamb, the perfect sacrifice.
So the Word fulfilled the law and brought eternal life, He knew the cost and still paid the price.
He who knew no sin became the sin of everyone, and He set us free by shedding His own blood.


I praise the Lord for Calvary where Jesus took the law in His own hands

Bible Preaching

The Night Before the End – Norman L. Wagner

Bishop Norman L. Wagner (Pentecostal Assemblies of the World) preaching “The Night Before the End” in 1987 to the Because of the Times conference in Alexandria, Louisiana, and introduced by Nathaniel A. Urshan, who was the General Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International at that time.

church history

Pamphlets from Oneness Pentecostal Writers (Part 5)

More pamphlets from the grandparents’ library. 

Title: Establishing A New Assembly


Publisher:  General Home Missions Dept. – United Pentecostal Church

Year: n.d.

Description: This handbook was written when J. T. Pugh was director of the General Home Missions Dept. (way before they changed it to North American Missions)

Title: The Resurrection of the Dead

Author: G. T. Haywood

Publisher: Christ Temple (Indianapolis, IN)

Year: n.d.

Description: Haywood’s theology regarding the coming of the Lord and the resurrection of the dead. 

Title: Judicial Procedure (revised)


Publisher: United Pentecostal Church

Year: 1973

Description: The steps and procedures available to a minister of the UPC. 

Title: Marriage and Divorce

Author: W. T. Witherspoon

Publisher: Apostolic Bible Publishers (Portland, OR)

Year: n.d.

Description: deals with the issue of marriage and divorce and remarriage of a believer pre-conversion and post-conversion. 

Title: Unconditional Eternal Security – fact or fable?

Author: J. E. Gray

Publisher: Word Aflame Press (Hazelwood, MO) 

Year: 1977

Description: deals with erroneous teaching known as unconditional eternal security, or once saved always saved.