church history

Pamphlets from Oneness Pentecostal Writers (Part 1)

I spent some time in South Bend, IN at my grandmother’s home (Helen Virginia Kuntzman) back in March 2009.

As is my custom when I’m there, I spent a considerable amount of time in my grandfather’s library looking, reading, and studying his collection.

Edwin Eugene Kuntzman

My grandfather (Pastor E. E. Kuntzman) was an Apostolic preacher and went to his eternal reward many years ago. I treasure the library he left behind and the notes he jotted in books, pamphlets, Bibles, and sermons. They are always a blessing to me and their truths are ageless.

My grandparents have several books and pamphlets written by, or about, some of our early pioneers and proponents of the Oneness Pentecostal message. While I didn’t take pictures of them all, the ones below I read this weekend.

Originally posted on 16 March 2009 on

By skuntzman

Jesus Christ is my Savior and I have been born again (John 3:1-6; Acts 2:38). He gifted me with the love of my life, Anita. She blessed me with 2 awesome children, a brilliant daughter-in-law, and the 5 best grandkids in the world. Together, Anita and I are striving to introduce and bring people to a victorious life through the Lord Jesus Christ.

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